Sunday, June 10, 2007

Linda Linda!

This is from a cool movie I saw at last years film festival, Linda Linda Linda. Its at the end as the band is finally performing. Its a great feel-good Japanese film about a group of girls who put together a cover band for and end of year school thingie... Of course, they only have a few days to practice, and of course the lead singer is a Korean transfer student who speaks almost no Japanese.

The Korean student is played by Bae Du Na, one of my favourite Korean actresses. Anyone who can play parts like this alongside a crazy psycho in Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, alongside action films like Tube... Damn talented actress... Also seen more recently in the amazing film The Host as a nearly-useless semi-professional archer.

Anyway, any of these films are worth seeing if you haven't already...

Monday, June 04, 2007

How to relax...

Hi all,

So I had a day off today (the joys of having worked all night on friday) so Tanti and I went to a hot springs down near Rye.

I must say, I haven't felt so relaxed in ages. Definitely what I needed. We stayed for about 90 mins relaxing in the pool. The hottest pool was supposed to be between 40 - 42 degrees.

It was fairly quiet there on a monday, only 10 people there... Its apparently quite busy on the weekend, which is why we went today...

if you are interested: