Saturday, January 13, 2007

The definition of boredom........

I've decided that I would define boredom, given that what I'm doing at the moment probably amounts to a good definition.

Definition of boredom: watching a solaris upgrade happen, for 8 hours. Ooo lookie! Its 18% complete now!

Update: 6pm - 71%... Like I said - its sloooooooooooooooow

Update again: 7:30pm - 98%... Nearly there. Its nearly there. The pain will be over soon.


Jack... said...

Sounds a bit like waiting for stuff to compile at my work - especially when some of the co-workers like to throw in the odd infinite loop. Just to see how much memory they can chew up *sigh*

Greg said...

Of course, they do it just to piss you off... ;-) No point otherwise...