Friday, December 29, 2006

Mewwy Cwismas

OK... So I'm a few days late. So what?

Been to Adelaide, and yes, while I got back a few days ago, I've been too darned lazy to post. Not that I haven't had the time. I can't recall being this bored since I was at uni in the times between semesters.

So how was Adelaide? It was everything I thought it would be. It was empty and quiet. The shops were mostly closed. Their definition of a high rise building is about 20 levels. We did the usual touristy things one does when going to Adelaide - wineries (got myself a decent supply of wine to last a while now), beaches as well as the occasional chocolate factory.

Was nice and relaxing though. Can't say I'd voluntarily go back there, but it was relaxing.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Need any help getting through the wine? We'll be back soon. ;)