Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Harry the pothead

A month ago I promised that is we went and saw transformers, I would watch Harry Potter with Tanti. We did this a couple of days ago.

Am I the only person who finds Harry Potter dull, boring and unimaginative?

Granted, this film was "darker". But the general flow of the film is exactly the same as the previous film. Bear in mind I haven't read the book, nor do I want to, but basically film starts with some drama about getting to school for the year, then a new teacher I introduced who is obviously the bad guy for the book/film. They then go after Harry.

Here's a thought - he is only a threat because they go after him. But anyway...

And of course there is the inevitable showdown with the ba guy that is staged so as to fit in nicely with a game tie-in.

Bring on the last book so we can get this over with.


Anonymous said...

By your logic, did Luke Skywalker only fight Darth Vader at the end of Empire Strikes Back to sell more action figures?

Greg said...

1. Logic doesn't apply to films, let alone between films.

2. You bite too easily. ;-)

3. Star Wars did arguably start off the whole merchandising thing, so 'tis possible.

naree said...

I agree with you about this film being dull. But are you sure about not wanting to read the books?

Tanya said...

You'll be happy to know that the next two books get even darker.. which means the next two movies will also be darker. :)

And the books are much better than the movies. They always miss a lot of crucial information in the movies!

Polina said...

I second Tanya - the books are better than the movies - for starters 'cos the Harry actor can't act.

Oh yeah, and the last book is GREAT! much better than 5 and 6.

Zoya said...

yep, the books are better. The last book was great. Book 6 was cr@p - I struggled to read it and skipped whole pages

Eug said...

No! Don't reveal any spoilers or hints etc etc in the last book!! I left it at home (Singapore) by mistake and I won't be home until tomorrow! ARgh