Saturday, August 04, 2007

Your mummy kills animals

Fairly obvious what this doco is about. Well, at least the first bit of it. When it opens with a commercial of a woman being clubbed to death for her fur coat and the question "how would you like it if you were killed for your fur?"...

But actually the film rests a lot with how the FBI views animal rights activists are considered as more the most dangerous terrorist group. An interesting notion, and one that is downplayed a bit by the doco.

But hey. It managed to kinda show both sides. Didn't show the FBI point of view on them, which would have been interesting. But there are estimates about that view put forward. Things like the legal definition of a terrorist, the way they believe that they are right and they must act to fix others doing wrong.

But it raises interesting points about groups like peta, who really don't do anything apparently...

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